Best Outdoor Sales at REI, Backcountry, MEC, and Altitude Sports
There’s no doubt that outdoor gear and apparel is expensive. So the best time to invest in any outdoor goodies is when there’s a sale, which usually happens on a long weekend. The Memorial Day weekend (USA) and Victoria Day weekend (CAN) is the best time of year for sales on outdoor gear because it comes at the perfect time with summer around the corner.
I have sifted through the pages and pages of sales to bring you a list of the best deals out there right now—on gear I believe in and have tested myself. If you follow me on Instagram, you may have seen me use this gear.
Note: there are affiliate links in this post and I may earn a small commission if you choose to purchase an item (at no additional cost to you). These funds go right back into creating free content just like this and supporting my small business.
Both REI, Backcountry, Altitude Sports and MEC have incredible sales right now which means it’s time to invest in those items that you’ve been eyeing or you need.
Sleep System
- MSR Hubba Hubba 2P Tent:
- 30% off at Backcountry
- 40% off at REI
- 25% off at MEC
- 25% off at Altitude Sports
- Big Agnes Copper Spur 2P Tent:
- 30% off at Backcountry
- 30% off at REI
- 20% off at Altitude Sports
- Big Agnes Copper Spur 3P Tent:
- 30% off at Backcountry
- 30% off at REI
- 20% off at Altitude Sports
- Marmot Teton Sleeping Bag:
- 30% off at Backcountry
- 25% off at REI
- Therm-a-Rest Pillow:
- 25% off at Backcountry
- 25% off at Altitude Sports
Camp Kitchen
- MSR Stove System:
- 25% off at Backcountry
- Jetboil Stove System:
- 25% off at Backcountry
- 25% off at REI
- 20% off at Altitude Sports
- GravityWorks 2-6L Water Filter:
- 25% off at Backcountry
- 25% off at REI
- 30% off at MEC
- 20% off at Altitude Sports
- Hydro Flask Mug:
- 25% off at Backcountry
- 25% off at REI
- 25% off at Altitude Sports
- Sea To Summit Spork:
- 25% off at REI
- 47% off at MEC
- 25% off at Altitude Sports
- Camelback Crux 2L Reservoir:
- 25% off at REI
Outdoor Gear
- Osprey Aura 65L Backpack:
- 25% off at Backcountry
- 25% off at REI
- 25% off at MEC
- 25% off at Altitude Sports
- Osprey Skimmer 28L Backpack:
- 25% off at Backcountry
- 25% off at REI
- BioLite Headlamp:
- 25% off at Backcountry
- 25% off at REI
- 25% off at MEC
- 25% off at Altitude Sports
- Helinox Camp Chair:
- 25% off at Backcountry
- 25% off at REI
- 15% off at Altitude Sports
- MSR Universal Footprint:
- 30% off at Backcountry
- 40% off at REI
- 25% off at MEC
- 25% off at Altitude Sports
- Black Diamond Trekking Poles:
- 25% off at Backcountry
- 25% off at REI
- 20% off at MEC
- 25% off at Altitude Sports
- Nomadix Towels:
- 25% off at REI
- 25% off at MEC
- 25% off at Altitude Sports
- ENO Hammock:
- 25% off at REI
- Garmin inReach Mini 2:
- 25% off at Backcountry
- 25% off at REI
- 26% off at MEC
- Medical Kit:
- 25% off at Backcountry
- 25% off at REI
- BearVault Canister:
- 20% off at Backcountry
- 20% off at REI
- Bear Spray:
- 25% off at REI
- Patagonia Retro Pile Fleece:
- 50% off at Backcountry
- Patagonia Better Sweater Fleece:
- 50% off at Backcountry
- 45% off at REI
- 30% off at MEC
- Patagonia Microdini Fleece:
- 40% off at Backcountry
- 40% off at REI
Down Jackets
- Patagonia Down Jacket:
- 25% off at Backcountry
- Arc’teryx Down Jacket:
- 30% off at REI
- Rab Microlight Down Jacket:
- 45% off at Backcountry
- 50% off at REI
- Fjallraven Nuuk Parka:
- 50% off at REI
Rain Jackets
- Arc’teryx Beta LT:
- 30% off at REI
- Rab Kinetic Jacket:
- 55% off at Backcountry
- 30% off at REI
- Kari Traa Baselayer Top:
- 50% off at Backcountry
- 25% off at REI
- 50% off at MEC
- Smartwool Merino Baselayer Top:
- 50% off at Backcountry
- 50% off at REI
- 25% off at Altitude Sports
- Beyond Yoga Crop Long Sleeve:
- 30% off at REI
- Kari Traa Baselayer Bottom:
- 30% off at Backcountry
- 25% off at REI
- 50% off at MEC
- Outdoor Research Ferrosi Short:
- 25% off at Backcountry
- 25% off at MEC
- 25% off at Altitude Sports
- Patagonia Baggies:
- 50% off at REI
- Arc’teryx Gamma Pant:
- 50% off at REI
- Fjallraven Keb Hiking Pant:
- 30% off at REI
- 20% off at Altitude Sports
- Fjallraven Abisko Trekking Tight:
Other Outdoor Apparel
- Patagonia Cap:
- 40% off at Backcountry
- Tilley Bucket Hat:
- 20% off at Backcountry
- 25% off at REI
- 30% off at MEC
- Smartwool Socks:
- 40% off at Backcountry
- 25% off at REI
- 25% off at MEC
- 25% off at Altitude Sports
Outdoor Footwear
- Danner Mountain 600 Hiking Boot:
- 30% off at Backcountry
- 25% off at REI
- 30% off at Altitude Sports
- Danner Trail 2650 Hiking Shoe:
- 30% off at Backcountry
- 25% off at REI
- Oboz Hiking Boot:
- 40% off at Backcountry
- 25% off at REI
- 25% off at MEC
- Chaco Mega Z Cloud Sandal:
- 25% off at Backcountry
- 25% off at REI
- 35% off at Altitude Sports
- Teva Original Sandal:
- 30% off at Backcountry
- 30% off at Altitude Sports